V the poet

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Say Hello!
3/3/2024 10:49am


You thought I was going to actually shake your hand?

No way, Jose.

I made you think I was gonna come out though, didn't I?


I like to have fun, okay? Is there something wrong with that? Lay off of me, will ya?

-V the poet

3/3/2024 10:47am

I'm feeling very scatterbrained today. I've been thinking about that special letter all weekend, and some of my letters were pretty sloppy. I might write some apologies, because I feel kind of bad.

My mind has been fixated on figuring out the greenhouse mysteries and impatiently waiting for the delivery of the pumpkin.

I managed to stabilize the letter pile, and finally got my pet request in, so at least I've been a little productive. But I have a huge test for my Pathology class and I'm not prepared in the slightest.

I'm considering going and investigating the dissappearences myself, but I'm not sure I have the guts to do it.

On a lighter note, I found the 40 or so doodle books I kept since childhood lying around. I had this idea about a comic or story about a boy with an insatiable appetite and a body of rubber sailing the seven seas to find a legendary treasure and become the worlds most feared pirate.

Apparently some Japanese guy cooked the idea first, but I think he copied me. What do you guys think?

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3/2/2024 9:38am

I love Saturdays! I have all day to be able to write letters. I still need to fill out the request to own a fish, but when I do, Sam and Luther both agreed to help me name it.

Today is going to be sunny, it seems. The athletics will definitely be going outside today. I know P.E is a required class, but I'm afraid to take it after watching the athletic teams' warm ups from my window. Thank goodness my window is a one way mirror, or else i'd have gotten myself in a number of awkward scenarios.

It has also come to my attention that a certain petunia which I can observe from my tower has a letter for me in the greenhouse. I have a "no letter left behind" motto, and it could be in relation to the recent incidents, so I request it be delivered to me as soon as possible.

Also, I need somebody willing enough to inspect (break into and report the findings of) these areas in the school:

The living space of former Student Activities Coordinator Big Jim

The room of Annie Sweet

The former nests of Anything Owl.

Oh crap, the letter pile is beginning to fall apart, I don't want to have an avalanche...gotta fix this-

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3/1/2024 6:05am

The bats have names now. I asked my friend Sam about it, and he said to call them Sam, Sammy, and Samantha. I think Sam has a bit of an ego, but whatever, not like I have any better ideas.

Good news is it's Friday! The weekend is nearby, which is a perfect time to get caught up on my writing.

Ive been looking for a goldfish on the web, but I've realized that I never asked permission to have a fish in my room. In case you don't know, you have to place a request to own a pet, just in case, no matter the size, shape, type, or dimensions the pet inhabits.

Kind of a pain for a stinkin goldfish, am I right?

I've hit a snag in my researching of the dissappearences. I need to actually physically leave my room and go to the victim's rooms. It would be a great way to get more information. But I don't know if I can do it.

Guess I'll have to think about it while I write and read.

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2/28/2024 2:53pm

The bats that are living on my ceiling are getting bigger. I'm not too concerned, as me and the bats have come to an understanding that this is our living space, together, but it has been catching my eye.

I failed a pop quiz I had today. When I say fail, I mean I-transported-myself-to-the-year-1895-by-accident failed. I'm really bummed about it.

I've decided I want a goldfish. I don't know WHY I want one, but I do. Maybe I'm lonely. Maybe I should talk to people instead of buying a goldfish. Maybe I should stop saying bad ideas.

I must say, however, that I've noticed some animal smuggling going on on the campus in the dark hours, and I believe it should be investigated.

I also got rid of all my green clothes. Not that I have many, as most of my clothes are light pink (there was an incident to which I forgot to separate my whites and reds before washing).

Besides, it's not like I ever go out anyway, nobody would see me if I wore green.

But, I'm deathly afraid of @Ms. Hazeltine, so I'm going to do as she says.

No more tests this week, hooray! Although I am trying to get extra credit in my General Spiritus class so I can potentially skip Psybernetics. In order to do this, I have to do some assignments, but nothing I can't handle.

On average, I get about 2,480 new letters a day, 561 angry and threatening E-mails, and 13 warnings from my numerous teachers about missing class. Speaking of which, I have some letters to write.

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2/28/2024 6:13am

I woke up today with a huge bump on my head. I accidentally hit snooze on my alarm clock is why. not a good way to wake up in the morning, but it gets the job done.

I contacted the FBIP about the giant bats living in my room, and they said they could handle it in person.

So I guess they're staying. Nobody is going to come in here on my watch. I finally managed to get a hold of more ink, and it's a good thing to, because I have a lot of letters to write today. I've done some researching on the Green Teen, and I'm developing a theory on its relation to the greenhouse incidents.

Today though, I see some huge storm clouds. I'm no meteorologist, but I suggest skipping your outside classes today, lest you want to be stuck by some Depressed Lightning.

That reminds me of a time when one of my friends, Luther, made the mistake of being outside in a Sad Storm. He got struck so much he got sent to a different time zone. For him it's three hours later than for the rest of us.

What, surprised I have friends? Why is that surprising? 'cause I never leave my room'? How is that relevant?

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2/27/2024 4:28pm

Am I seriously the only person here that notices the dissappearences?? Hopefully not. Please, PLEASE somebody have information on this!

2/27/2024 2:58pm

The disappearance of several of our greatest and most active students and staff is interesting me.

Take a look at pretty much all the top posters. Besides the ones with badges, most of them completely disappeared. For example, star student, @Annie Sweet, who was looking to be one of PsyHighs greatest, disappeared without a trace. Their friend they claimed to protect has also gone missing without a trace. What is happening? People don't just disappear like that. Maybe I should ask one of the teachers about it...

2/27/2024 2:58pm

The disappearance of several of our greatest and most active students and staff is interesting me.

Take a look at pretty much all the top posters. Besides the ones with badges, most of them completely disappeared. For example, star student, @Annie Sweet, who was looking to be one of PsyHighs greatest, disappeared without a trace. Their friend they claimed to protect has also gone missing without a trace. What is happening? People don't just disappear like that. Maybe I should ask one of the teachers about it...

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2/27/2024 2:42pm

I wasn't able to write at ALL today because I ran completely out of ink after doing my school work and my PsyFi hasn't been working all day, so I couldn't order more ink. Maybe it wasn't broken, but I wasn't going to mess with anything, because I'm not very tech savvy at all (hence why I'm avoiding taking Psybernetics this year).

Ya know, the WiFi has been buggy all week, maybe somebody should check out our school Internet center or whatever. At least I didn't get any new letters today, so I didn't have to worry. Just have hundreds of not thousands of pre delivered mail laying around. But because I couldn't write, I was bored and had nothing to do all day.

Oh, and I got a 73 on my Telekinetics quiz today, which means I passed!

However, I have a general alternate reality and Spiritus tests this week, which I'm quite worried about.

Anyways, I have some giant bat-like creatures that have taken up living in my room, and all my attempts at trying to knock them down have failed. Was wondering if anybody could hel-GAH GET AWAY! They're dive bombing me now, I think they can understand human speech...

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